Let's all say goodbye to my little friend, once known and loved as my left knee...
Four skaters came up tonight...I think all with
Port City Roller Girls.
Boppin 76, Shannibal Wrechher, Tiny Tornado and
Loco Lisa....(two of them aren't on Two Evils so not sure what's up with that...could be like a Gerle Haggard sitch...But sorry to them for not being able to track down a link for em...was so cool of them all to come up...It's really crazy cool the way other playrers have come up to assist us over the past year...REALLY COOL. Huge difference between what how Crust All Mighty plays and how these girls played...they were told they didn't have to hold back on us at one point...I don't think
we've even ever been told we don't have to hold back on each other before... or it would have likely been one of my own team mates to knock me down between February and today...Anyway...she hit me legally and them are the breaks...but it might have been good to let us all know that scrimmage to some teams is not a scrimmage to us...Maybe it should be called something else when it's truly a practice and not a scrimmage called a practice...All I can say is scrimmage and practice, whatever the fuck it gets termed, had better have the same insurance coverage..Personally, if I can ever play this game without knee pain again, I will strive to be a positional blocker like Crust taught us, and not just there to knock chicks off the track...too dangerous for a bunch of women who do this at their monetary and bodily expense...IMHO..
Anyway...the Coach let me jam tonight and thankfully I was knocked down during one jam by Miss Boppin 76, who I adore...Nothing broken - thank the Roller Derby Goddess! Tripp was cool with the insta-icepack, too bad I'm such a moron I didn't read the directions and didn't know how to make it cold..Last time I used something "magic" like that was a hand warmer at a NINER game in the 80's... I thought he said rub it til it got cold...like a chill jeanie in a bottle or something....Thankfully our experienced Coach knew to crack it on something and viola...cold as congress...! So..lil aspirin, lil ice and a lot of my cloak of invisibility trick and I'll be golden by Sunday at 2pm....
After practice the Port City ladies had to drive home unfortunately, or they would have enjoyed my birthday night with some of us tonight...Twisted Trixxie, P. Fork, RevRa, Block N Decker, Nicki Spitts, Gerle Haggard, Kilaron, Stihl Queen, Ammo, and Bryan one of our refs...I may be forgetting someone all went to Steve's after practice. Here's a tip..if there are no cars and the door is closed at Steve's that means it might still be open...A stranger bar person and the bartender bought me a beer..(one I took as a token for next time cuz no way do I want to get a DUI)....but that ruled...Some of them played pool, some played darts but it was just so nice to be in that warm bar with the wood stove and the coolest people ever...great birthday night!
Plus it was so sweet how everyone sang HBD to me after practice and before we left....Lesson being, YOU WILL GET HURT, AND YOU WILL LOVE IT, JUST TO BE WITH THESE REMARKABLE WOMEN!!! I don't care if my leg is attached to my head Sunday...I will do my best for them.
I can't believe male sports players get paid to do this stuff...Derby is SO MUCH MORE entertaining than most sports and these ladies give their money, their sweat, their bodies, and their true honest selves to roller derby...We work as co-ops....Voluntary Associations...all working for the betterment of our teams as a whole...It makes me freaking misty...
Anyway, now I have another TKO to think about while I play Sunday...it's like porn for my derby girl mind to imagine playing for payback...Stihl Queen can remind me all about my temporary rage when I need it most Sunday....Oh yeah..the after party is at her house Sunday after the scrimmage...the photos can be the first posted on the new, ALL skater owned:
Oh! and one more thing....my double secret code word for keeping my new mouthguard in is working like a charm...almost always...I just turn my head when I choke now so there will be no more pictures of that whole scene... ;)
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me....Happy Birthday to me.eee...
Sometime before the last day of November I will answer my email...One more day of work tomorrow...some more homework to get in by the 22nd at midnight, and the scrimmage and I am doing like a movie star after a long, remote shoot...I'm going to find a hot tub to sit in until Nov 30th when work starts again....Would it be wrong to thank the Feds and State for losing all of our money and fucking over our budgets so I can have a relaxing spell of not working for the MAN?! Maybe...but fuck it...
No pics tonight...a hot bath and a bottle of aspirin await Sweet (and now sore) Alyce...
Update 11/18/09: Not broken. On crutches for three weeks (OR LESS I HOPE!)...Starting to swell up finally...(I kept wondering how something with no bruise and no swelling could hurt SO much..)