Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blargh Matey!! New Roller Girls on the loose...!

Oh eM G!

I got fucking laid out tonight! And it's not as bad as I imagined...I got up as fast as I could, against the instinct to just sit there, and I was overcome by a furious rage to get her back...It's really amazing what a little adrenalin can do to a body...I blocked her, but I didn't exact the same on her as she to me...didn't knock her over...Then the jam ended and she came rolling over and hugged me and said sorry.

That kicked so much ass...

Irish Roller Girl by ~paulorocker
Then we were all hanging out after wards having a beer (one)..and I moved my laptop to the ground because I wanted to show the ladies a slideshow of 305 of our derby pics over the past nine months....I did it without setting my beer down and it poured into the frame of the screen...then - out went the lights...the screen dimmed to almost black...I went home as fast as I could and did a Kim Kommando on it, blew it dry with a blow dryer on cool and viola...all is well in the virtual and physical worlds...

Thinking back, I think I have been knocked over in the past one time..I'd have search this blog for the incident report... ;) But even so it was not as memorable as this time...

So tonight we scrimmaged 7 on 7 with a couple players off at a time...Tripp was there to Ref and it was a blast...I think I won one a jam or two...not positive as you know..the blackoutish thing that happens to me when I jam...My spirit must just FLY out of my body or something...? This scrimmaging went on for one hour, the official bout time so that was awesome...

Stihl Queen did some drills before Sheeda Bomb (WELCOME BACK) came on the track as she was assisting new players and so Stihl did a drill called the zombie where we lay facing the wall on our backs with our arms crossed over our chests. At the whistle we had to get into the ready position asap then the next whistle take off and full blast it to the end on a knee and back to the zombie position to do it again... Stihl said they (The Castlebombers in Merced/Atwater) do it at the END of practice!! Great drill.. Oh and also nice to see Clover again... missed her...and Troubled Rachel and Jodi too came in later...(while I do not monitor my friend's whereabouts, it is so nice to see them when I do...) The new players, Sam and Jules were also there, they jumped right in to this, I love that about them...

Roller Skating Lisa by ~thekofchrisguyagain
Kilaron came in later and thus we have Mermad and Kilaron the solid-ass-solid blocker chicks..Regina too.. she is good at that part...Andrea and Sam jammed so great and Trixie too...It was just a lot of fun and although I'm still going to see how I do at the Nov 22nd scrimmage, I feel a lot different about keeping this up than I did a couple of days ago...

I want to Roller Skate by ~weirdklown
But man, Gerle Haggard a few weeks ago, not sure if I mentioned how she and her twin blasted FULL ON INTO each other a week or so ago and Gerle's ribs are fucked up...she fell or was smacked down tonight too and they seem to have become worse..This is not good..we talked about hanging out in nature tomorrow with our art supplies so I can maybe get her to go to the ER...Love that chickie-do. All of them really...this is is a wonderful experience for me whether it ends tomorrow or in my 60's...

[For some reason I still have no links for Mermad...I'll have to see what' sup with that on Sunday]

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