Thursday, April 9, 2009

Picture Night!

Tonight we had three cameras and more skaters...very cool... We all put on our team shirts and wow did it make a huge mental difference from the "restructuring" to now...a team beginning to coalesce...we started about 9 or so and did some skating....then drilled with jumps, two knee and one knee falls, and with two runs of 2 minute drills...I really have to have my skates on more times per week...If only my teacher at school would put more weeks of lessons online at once I could get ahead a bit...I'm trying to do backwards crossovers...some girls are really good at that already...We did try a new drill this time of turning from front to back skating with three steps...little tricky when you pay such close attention to the move, because I swear I could do it without thinking in the past...

Having a groovy time with these ladies and skating...

Went to Ed's after practice with the twins and another girl for an ice cold Sierra Nevada....Aaaah....tasted quite nice, despite the rainy night...we're going to do it on the second Thurs. of the month since I have that Fri off....They loaned me a great book with simpler rule explanations and with derby slang....It's called Roller Derby the History and All-Girl Revival of the Greatest Sport on Catherine Mabe. Included in the slang section is: "Blood and Thunder or Queen of the Week: Practice drill in which all skaters take the track and proceed to knock the hell out of each other until only one skater remains standing...

Umm...yeah...I'll get right on that one.. ;)

The rest of the pics are in color...I fucking suck at pictures...never look like myself...Hopefully at least one will come out good like this one at the Sacred City bout...(the 2nd ok photo of me in my life...maybe the third)

And a special Hellooooo to ma fellow derby mistress, K...who likes to read this blog and that made me very happy..! Keep up the good work, Miss K! And thanks! :)

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