Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sheedabomb's practice.....14 Skaters...TONS OF FUN!

Great new drills to try this time! I enjoyed Ammo's practice too so this is not a comparison here...different doesn't mean better or worse, it simply means different...I heard that somewhere when I was a kid...Anyway we did this cool thing first with one skater pushing another with one hand, the front person lifts one leg behind them at a time and balances around the corners...

We did another solo one where we lifted one leg behind us and bent forward down the straightaways with our hands down towards the ground...but looking up forward...which is something I constantly have to remind myself to do...

While we were doing this one where we duck walk off the line and then go down on one knee at the middle line then a 180 on a knee at the far end, then back, Gerle Haggard went down too hard on her knees and ouch for her...I hope she feels ok soon.

We did a 14 skater weaving snake line and we did it a few times in a row - I fucking love that drill...not sure why..nice flow to it maybe and it feels so cool when we're going fast and are in synch so well...Major YAYS for Rachel for participating in a buncha stuff she was hesitant to try and she kicked butt and did great! Way to go Rachel!!

Roller Zillas by ~antigone1736

Finally the ass-kicker came along...and I didn't eat all damn day today for some reason so I was a bit worried. We skated three or for at a time on the track for 5 minutes...We'd done this once before but stopped at 20 laps, at that time, I had 50 seconds left of the 5 minutes. This time though we just skated for the whole five minutes. Natcho Hunny and I were in a group and think maybe our counters gots messed up somewhere possibly...she had 28 laps and I had 26 and yet we both agree that neither of us passed each other and should have had the same I'm going to split the diff. and make it a 27 for myself...which is way better than I thought I would do with these "well-loved" lungs of mine...

Red Hot Ta Molli provided the extremely excellent, wompin' rowdy fun practice music this afternoon so thanks to her, and thanks to Sheedabomb for the killer killer practice!

Oh, and before I finish...with there being two people with my same first name on the team, (myself and Pollyanna Pitchfork) let's just get used to calling me Alyce...that name works for me..I can't answer to my real name anymore at practice...gotta get all Pavlovian with Alyce...

Marie Smashtoinette by ~Magzdilla

Concluded the evening with a smoke out in the burning sun with Trixy and Nicki Spitts...who by the way should be thanked for emptying the trash and cleaning up after those nasty hockey boys and teens from the weekend...

Special Smoochy thank you to my wonderful husbot "P" for hanging out during practice being all gentlemanly and not staring at us while we skated so as not to make anyone uncomfortable...what a nice guy... :)

Cool pic I stumbled on this afternoon...

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